The Best Way to Cool Older Homes

June 8, 2020

You don’t have to pay a fortune to cool your home, even if it’s older. There are cost-effective ways to reduce your energy bills without making your place uncomfortable in excessive heat. Here are some great ways to beat the heat in older homes. Install a Smart Thermostat A smart thermostat effectively manages the temperature in your home based on your household’s routines. If you program the system properly, it will let your home get hotter when everyone is away, saving you money, and lower the temperature when people are home. Smart thermostats are easy to

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What Size Air Conditioner Do I Need?

May 12, 2020

Summertime is just around the corner. Perhaps you need to get an air conditioner before it arrives, but you’re unsure what size to get. Is bigger better? What EER score provides the most bang for the buck? Let’s break this down. Air Conditioner Sizing Calculation An inadequately small air conditioner will sputter along, soaking up valuable energy without actually getting the job done. An extravagantly large air conditioner may cool the room down instantaneously, but it will also generate excess humidity, leaving you cold and clammy rather than comfortably cool. Besides that, the additional wear and

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